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You find our session main points here and can read in more detail about our learning progress

Session Main Points

Week 1

Critically reflect on activities and ideas that seem reasonable and do not be afraid to nudge chances - but be able to move on at one point without endless pondering.

Week 2

Spend a significant amount of time developing a common understanding of the business idea especially with regards to a common vision of the future.

Week 3

Formulate hypotheses narrow enough so that they are operational and can be tested in a way that is likely to yield significant results which can guide the project.

Week 4

Be open for every result of your hypotheses testing and follow it. Do not be afraid to fundamentally adjust what you took for given if it becomes necessary.

Week 5

Developing together a common vision of the future of the project helps to align perspectives and canalize energy to relentlessly work towards the same goal.

Week 6

When it comes to the development of the value curve it is crucial to adapt a focus which guides you along the dimensions you do not offer compared to your competitors.

Week 7

When choosing the optimal sales and marketing channels tradeoffs need to be made to achieve the best possible results considering limited resources.


Week 8

Use landing pages as minimum viable products to validate interest in your offering. Continuously improve your landing page through A/B testing.

Week 9

Define the value chain, processes, and organizational chart of your business model to work on your project not in it. Outline partners and pricing structures for your business.

Week 10

Engage in thorough financial planning for your business to acquire funding. When doing so make reasonable assumptions that should be validated.

Week 11

Write a neat storyline for your pitch before creating slides. Keep slides as easy and clean as possible. Remember: practice makes perfect - so practice, practice, practice.

Week 12

The semester-long work has ultimately come to an end and we are wrapping up all our progress and learning over this time to deliver a great final pitch.

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